Parsee Priest
From Dhurandhar's earliest postcard series featuring the people of Bombay. Once again, a gesture defines character, with the white space next to the priest space for the sender to write a message.
From Dhurandhar's earliest postcard series featuring the people of Bombay. Once again, a gesture defines character, with the white space next to the priest space for the sender to write a message.
An unusual humorous hand-painted postcard, as if riding high on a camel makes someone "high class." Hand-painted postcards seem in style to echo much earlier 19th century Company painting styles.
The front of the Plague cases postcard sent reporting the incidence of the disease on December 8th, 1902 in Rutlam, Neemuch District, now in Madhya Pradesh.
The front of the Plague cases postcard sent reporting the incidence of the disease on December 8th, 1902 in Rutlam, Neemuch District, now in Madhya Pradesh.
Another striking portrait by the great Indian artist M.V. Dhurandhar (1867-1944). This one was sent in 1905 by an Indian postcard collector, probably in Bombay, who pursued his hobby in a way that gives insight into early collector's fine tastes:
A rare landscape postcard by Dhurandhar, who is best known for his portraits of Bombay types.
A hand painted postcard that – if it was also purchased in Ahmedabad, from where it was sent – suggests that these rare postcards relative to the mass-printed ones were also available outside of Bombay. Postmarked 30 November 1908 and sent to Mr.
An unusual lithographic card of a rarely postcarded city, one where Gandhi spent his early years in school. Rajkot is now the 4th largest city in Gujarat with a population approaching 2 million.
A rare Dutch lithographic postcard showing what is likely a Rajput prince or warrior. Note the very skillful use of the white background to extend the man's shirt.
A classic Dhurandhar portrait. The growing metropolis of Bombay with its modern buildings form the backdrop to a fully formed character, in traditional dress, with a quizzical expression on her face. Does she understand what is happening around her?