Master Nandram
A hand-tinted real photography by an exceptional filmi postcard publisher in Sukkur, Sindh. The actor Nandram starred in the film Master Stroke (1927) which this postcard may celebrate, else the "Master" may simply be his title.
A hand-tinted real photography by an exceptional filmi postcard publisher in Sukkur, Sindh. The actor Nandram starred in the film Master Stroke (1927) which this postcard may celebrate, else the "Master" may simply be his title.
[Original back of advertising card] Alastor-Mystic-The Astrologer, Handreader and Clairvoyant from England. May be Consulted Daily at the Great Eastern Hotel, Calcutta, Room 59. (Hours 10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
One of those postcards that highlights the complex trade relationships between the Raj and Afghanistan, if not Central Asia.
This card was part of a series published in connection with the British Empire Exhibition in Wembley in 1924, copyright and likely sponsored by the Patiala Government.
The British Empire Exhibition in 1924 at Wembley, North London was held to commemorate Empire trade; Charles E. Flower was one of Tuck's most prominent postcard artists.
[Original caption] The Burmese Pavilion constructed of teak carved by the best
[Verso Original handwritten caption] After an argument with the sails of a sampan. [end]
An unusual real photo postcard of the Fairey IIID, an early 1920s British seaplane that "was popular with aircrew but they were difficult to maintain and when
An annual tradition in Peshawar in the early part of the 20th century and probably well beforehand, Peshwar's nautch women would dance through the streets watched and cheered by thousands of onlookers.
Contemporary accounts of how Hamid Kalkani died are unclear. Nadir Khan is said to have chased him to his village in October 1929 where he was stoned to death by residents which this postcard may show.
The border signboard at Torkham at the end of the Khyber Pass in what was then Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP, now known as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) read: "FRONTIER OF INDIA TRAVELLERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PASS THIS NOTICE BOARD UNLESS THEY HAVE
[Original caption]The Ceylon Pavilion with its four entrance lamps at Kandy is a faithful copy of the old Kandyan style of architecture, the panels and circular moonstones of the doorway having been rbought from Ceylon.