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Lala Lajpat Rai

Lala Lajpat Rai

[Original caption] "The blow that was hurled at us this afternoon was a nail in the coffin of the British Empire. Nobody who has seen it is ever likely to forget it. It has sunk deep into our own soul.



"Wayfarers" was another word for nomads.

[Original caption] Wayfarers. The position of the child in the picture is typical. The man is carrying a larger share of the burden than is usual.

Vishnu Garud-vahan

Vishnu Garud-vahan

[Original caption, verso] God Vishnu with his two wives, the goddesses of the earth and the wealth, is represented as riding on his vehicle Garud. [end]

The Garuda, a mythical bird, is also called Kashyapi, Chirada, Vishnuratha, Gaganeshvara,


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