[Original caption] Fakirs. The Fakirs are a large body of religious fanatics. They go naked or in filthy rags, and partake only of the meanest food, and that without request or thanks.
[Original caption] Fakirs. The Fakirs are a large body of religious fanatics. They go naked or in filthy rags, and partake only of the meanest food, and that without request or thanks.
[Original caption] Kandy From Lady Horton's Walk This walk winds picturesquely around one of the hills which overhang the little lake upon which the town of Kandy is situated.
[Original caption] The Shigean is a small two-wheeled vehicle in use in Bombay and other Eastern cities. As a rule it is drawn by a couple of small oxen of the Zebu family.
[Original caption] San Thome Cathedral. The town of S. Thome, now part of Madras City, was named after the Portugese pioneers, after St. Thomas the Apostle, who is said to have evangelized the country.
[Original caption] Rose Harvest.
[Original caption] Madras, Senate House. This handsome building, designed by Mr. Chisholm, was begun in 1874 and completed in 1879, at a cost of nearly three hundred thousand rupees.
[Original caption] Hindoo God Siva: Ceylon. This is Brahma the Creator under his manifestation as Siva the Destroyer and Reproducer. The peacock beside him is that ridden by Saraswati, goddess of music and speech, Brahmas wife.
[Original caption] The Taj, Agra. The beautiful gardens in which this exquisite mausoleum stands are laid out in formal style.
[Original caption] A Peep into into the Victoria Gardens. These beautifully laid out gardens are a source of pleasure to the weary and jaded worker in the cool of the evening after a hard days work in the broiling sun and stuff offices. [end]
[original caption] The Tuckt of Sunaman is an ancient Hindu Temple and a prominent landmark, situated on an eminence overlooking the town of Srinagar, one of the chief cities of Kashmir.