Prisoner of War Camp, Zossen-Wunsdorf, Muslims
During the first World War, the Germans held their captives at a number of camps, and Muslims in particular would find themselves at Zossen-Wunsdorf not far from Berlin.
During the first World War, the Germans held their captives at a number of camps, and Muslims in particular would find themselves at Zossen-Wunsdorf not far from Berlin.
An early Exposition postcard by a German exotic people's promoter and founder of the modern zoo. In this early postcard, the name of the printer is given towards the top left corner (Th. Wendisch, Berlin S.W.
An exceptional early lithographic card from the famous German exotic people's promoter and founder of Berlin's zoo. The title says it depicts an Indian coffee house.
[Original German titles, translated] "Emden" Five English Ships in the Bay of Bengal. Upon the Return of First Lieutenant v. Muecke with the Emden crew in Germany [end]
The story of His Majesty's Ship the Emden is one of the most captivating of World
In the book Carl Hagenbeck's Empire of Entertainments by Eric Ames (2008) he describes the importance of this exotic showman and his family who helped turn "India" into a touring spectacle following an 1898 exhibition in Berlin, even if most of the
In Ali Raza's excellent book Revolutionary Pasts Communist Internationalism in Colonial India (Tulika Books, 2022) there is this note from a police report in 1926: "A public meeting was held . . . under the auspices of the Nau Jawan Bharat Sabha to
An early Exposition postcard by a German exotic people's promoter. The handwritten message, dated Dec.
A rare and exceptional early color postcard by Carl Hagenbeck, the German circus and exotic people's promoter whose fairs throughout continental Europe drew large audiences.
[Original German translated] Buy tea from Hagenbeck's Ceylon Tea.
The main driver of Sri Lanka’s economic growth during the colonial period was the tea industry.