
A Mohamedan Fakir

A Mohamedan Fakir

John Campbell Oman (1841-1911), author of The Mystics, Ascetics and Saints of India (1903) describes the incident that made him take it upon himself to write this encyclopedic work towards the end of his life.

Fruit Seller

Fruit Seller

Note the rich character on this man's face in an image by M.V. Dhurandhar, one of India's most exceptional and prolific early 20th century painters and postcard artists.

Sent to Master E.

A Tamil Girl, Ceylon

A Tamil Girl, Ceylon

One of my favourite postcards by the great Colombo publisher Plate & Co., simply because the girl's stare or startled expression is so memorable. Although I used the color version in the book, this seems just as gripping. What is she looking at?

A Group of Lambanis

A Group of Lambanis

[Original caption] These folk are gypsies inhabiting the great Deccan of India. Their dress is decorated with shells, their arms are generally adorned with a large number of bracelets made of the bones of deer. [end]

The Banjara people, also

Hindu Jugglers

Hindu Jugglers

Although the origin of the word juggler as "one skilled in keeping several objects in motion in the air at the same time by alternately tossing and catching them" goes back to the 14th century and seems to stem from the Middle English "jogelour


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