

Smoking Hookah

Smoking Hookah

A distinctly colored postcard, with the pinkish mud offsetting the green grass and white garb of the smoker. Note the little boy and half-hidden woman watching from the hut.

A Money Lender

A Money Lender

"The stranger unacquainted with conditions in India, and visiting Bombay for the first time, cannot fail to be impressed by an inspection of the huge assortment of books which Messrs D B Taraporevala, Sons and Co find it necessary to keep in hand to



A very early lithographic postcard of Calcutta, postmarked as early as the first half of 1899, and published from Budapest, then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire.



[Original] Durga - Great Eastern Hotel - Telegraph Office - Snake Charmers [end]

A card from the earliest known series of Calcutta postcards by the Austrian photographer W.


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