Nahapiet & Co's. Jute Factory Post Golah, Dacca
A very rare postcard, both because it is from East Bengal now Bangladesh and because it is a very early real photo postcard, a type that did not come into prominence until the next decade.
A very rare postcard, both because it is from East Bengal now Bangladesh and because it is a very early real photo postcard, a type that did not come into prominence until the next decade.
Among the few postcards that depict industrial activity, this jute facility was possibly in the French colony of Pondicherry, now the Federal Union Territory of Puducherry.
"Another sign of the transition from the wet to the dry season was to be seen in the immense number of jute-stem stacks standing on every field and lawn," wrote Nirad Chaudhry in his Autobiography of an Unknown Indian. "After the bark which yields
Jute was one of the major agricultural products during the Raj and for some period afterwards, with most of the crop grown in East Bengal, and the fiber processed in mills in and around Kolkata.
A moody postcard illustrating a manufacturing step in the jute export industry. Jute packaging materials were used around the world, particularly in gunny bags.