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Punkha Boy

Punkha Boy

A key figure in the Raj was the punkha boy or man, who pulled the string that moved a fan in a bar or in the sleeping quarters to keep their employers cool.

Parsee Priest

Parsee Priest

From Dhurandhar's earliest postcard series featuring the people of Bombay. Once again, a gesture defines character, with the white space next to the priest space for the sender to write a message.

View at Soonamurg

View at Soonamurg

Postmarked Dec. 19, 1903, and sent to Mr. Harington, Bath, England: “Simla 16.12.03. Thank you so much for sending the very pretty pictures cards of Bath. They don’t get them up half as well out here! Best Love, Gracie.”

Native Soldier

Native Soldier

Another striking portrait by the great Indian artist M.V. Dhurandhar (1867-1944). This one was sent in 1905 by an Indian postcard collector, probably in Bombay, who pursued his hobby in a way that gives insight into early collector's fine tastes:



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