Calcutta. (Eden Gardens) The Pagoda from the Promenade
Another colorful artist-signed postcard of one of Kolkata's most prominent landmarks and postcarded spaces.
Another colorful artist-signed postcard of one of Kolkata's most prominent landmarks and postcarded spaces.
Another painted postcard by the Anglo-Indian artist Frank Clinger Scallan (1870-1950) whose Kolkata series of nearly a dozen postcards reflects the pleasures of life in what was British India's largest metropolis.
A postcard depicting hospitals in Mumbai used to treat some of the Indian troops who fought in World War I as part of the British Army.
An unusual scene in this postcard by what was British Burma's premiere postcard publisher. The 1900 guide Burma by Max and Bertha Ferrars describes the use of these canoes: "The boat-races are held at the Thadindyut festival.
A vibrant painted postcard by the Anglo-Indian artist Frank Clinger Scallan (1870-1950), part of a series he made illustrating the city he spent much of his life in.
The claim that this is a much extolled Kashmiri beauty is probably true, as this particular woman seems to appear on other postcards from the period. She is wearing the traditional Kashmiri dress, the pheran, and could be wearing a watch on her left
A regular Tuck's card turned into a Christmas with the embossed greeting on top.
[Original caption] A Travelling Student and Singer. The picture shows a Brahman from the Northern parts of India, a vaishnava by religion.
Built in the early 1630s by the Emperor Shah Jehan, the "Palace of Mirrors" or "Crystal Palace" in Lahore Fort is full of glass tiles that reflect light. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the roof was only recently properly restored.
The Hari Parbat hill overlooking Srinagar is considered sacred to the Kashmiri Hindus. From a self=published series by an English amateur artist known as E.E.
Clifton's later postcards, especially his candid photographs in the bazaars of Mussoorie, are among his most interesting. There is a blur to man on the right, suggesting this came from a longer-exposure albumen photograph.