Bangalore. Alsur Temple Gateway.

Bangalore. Alsur Temple Gateway.

c. 1905
Publisher No.: 

A standout Tuck's postcard of one of the oldest temples in the city, with the tall dark gateway set-off against the people and view of the temple inside. Like most Tuck's Oilettes (their brand name for an "oil painted" postcard) of India, the original image was likely to have been a photograph.

[Original caption] Alsur Temple Gateway. It is impossible to express in a few lines the wonder and beauty of the Temples of India, of which some fine examples are to be found in Mysore. Their solidity, their elaborate decorative sculpture, are full of interest to the traveler, the student of Art or Architecture and to those who seek to unravel the tangled history of the people of bygone days who built them. [end]