The Club, Allahabad
The Hindustan Review, edited by Sachchidananda Sinha, Bar-at-Law, and published from Allahabad in July, 1910, writes:
"A word may be added here as to social and intellectual life of Allahabad.
The Hindustan Review, edited by Sachchidananda Sinha, Bar-at-Law, and published from Allahabad in July, 1910, writes:
"A word may be added here as to social and intellectual life of Allahabad.
Note the lone girl in the right corner as if balancing the weight of the school, founded in the late 19th century by the American missionary Emma Knowles.
Now the Amitabh Bachan Sports Complex, this resolute example of Raj architecture was constructed in 1879. The architect was Richard Bayne, and the designs came from Professor Gamble at the precursor to what is now the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Postmarked Allahabad, December 23, 1910 and addressed to Mrs. Annie Edlich, Wilmersdorf–Berlin, Meckenburgische Str. 73, German: "Dec. 22nd, 1910. via Brindisi. My dear wife. By Parcel Post you will receive to [two] little Children bags.
"Naini Tal is a favourite sanatorium of the United Provinces, the summer residence of the Governor, and the hdqrs. [headquarters] of the General Officer commanding the Eastern Command.
[Verso, handwritten] "Buddhist temple from which Naini Tal takes its name. Immediately behind this is the polo ground."
The Tomb of Khusru, the son of Mughal Emperor Jehangir. Prince Khusrau (Khusru) was favored by his father, the Mughal Emperor Jehanghir, to succeed him.