The Hindustan Review, edited by Sachchidananda Sinha, Bar-at-Law, and published from Allahabad in July, 1910, writes:
"A word may be added here as to social and intellectual life of Allahabad. The social needs of the Anglo-Indian and Indian communities find satisfaction in two clubs-the Allahabad Club for the former, and the Indian Club of the latter. The Allahabad Club was established in 1868, as the North-Western Provinces Club, but it assumed its present name when the former name of these provinces was changed some years back into what it now bears. The Club stands on the Stanley Road and has residential chainbers attached to it. It is well-equipped with all the appliances for affording to its members both exercise and recreation. The Indian Club was established in 1907 and it provides its members with all their requirements. It stands on the Thornhill Road. The intellectual life of the city-apart from the educational institutions and the public library housed in the Thornhill-Mayne Memorial in the Alfred Park, mentioned above-mainly finds its outlet in journalism, of which the three principal organs are the two dailies, the Pioneer and the Leader-and one monthly, the Hindustan Review. The Indo-Mussalınan renaissance has also found expression, since January last, in an Allahabad monthly, called the Muslim Review."