c. 1903
Publisher No.:
Sepia cards were printed in a brown colour instead of black inks on halftone, collotype and real photo postcards. They went in and out of fashion from 1900 through the 1940s. Although mailed in 1938 and probably printed that decade, this particular type of card goes back to 1903 (the Tuck’s #2185 is one hint).
Opened in 1865, the GPO is said to have been built on the “Black Hole” commemorating a much-elaborated event in colonial discourse where Europeans were held hostage and some of whom died during an uprising by Indians.
Postmarked Calcutta, March 4, 1938 [?]. Addressed to Bobbie McGeary, 26b. [?] Dudley, Westfield, New Jersey, “Hello to Everybody Hope all is well as we are G M & D. [or M. & D.]”