Mr. Hartmann did good publicity in The Picture Postcard, a London-based magazine for early British postcard collectors and enthusiasts. Most likely its editor E. W. Richardson wrote of this postcard, which was chosen for reproduction in its "Paragraphs for Collectors" column: “Here it will be remembered, a grand ball took place, at which 3,500 guests danced and promenaded in the Hals of Dewain-i-Am and Dewan-i-khas. This beautiful hall, lit up by the electric light of 1,000 lamps, was a dream of beauty which outshone the most gorgeous illusions of the stage; and on this occasion, at least, the hall justified the proud motto which decorates its walls, and which proclaims that if there is a Paradise on earth, it is the Dewan-i-khas. Delhi does not, however, exhaust the Hartmann series of interesting view cards . . … (Feb. 1903).
The Diwan-i-Khas, Delhi