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Narsinghgarh, The Lake

Narsinghgarh, The Lake

[Original caption] Narsingarh - The Lake. Narsingarh is the capital of the state of that name in central India. It was founded in 1687 and is most picturesquely located on the shore of an artificial lake with a fort and palace on the height above.



[Original caption] Damayanti is creeping stealthily to catch the golden Hansa. [end]

In the Mahabharata Hansa, the swan, extolls the virtues of King Nala to her and says "If the peerless wed the peerless—blessed must the union be," in one of the

London: India House

London: India House

India House in London, with "1931" pencilled in on the back, so made soon after the building was inaugurated in July 1930. Now the High Commission for India, it was consciously planned in the 1920s as a way for the Indian Government, though still


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