B & W

Indian Troops China

Indian Troops China

During the so-called Boxer Rebellion in China, when local Chinese radicals joined with the Imperial Army to fend off Western, Russian and Japanese advances, Indian troops fighting on the British side played a role in the battle for the city in July

Zalra Tank, Ajmere

Zalra Tank, Ajmere

Better known as the Jhalra natural water tank adjacent to the tomb of the 13th century Sufi Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti. Hundreds of thousands of people come here each year for the urs (the anniversary of the death) of a Sufi saint.

Quetta Fort

Quetta Fort

Among the earliest postcards of British Baluchistan, whose capital Quetta was leased from the Khan of Kalat in the 19th century. Bremner was one of the earliest photographers in the cantonment, having come out in the 1890s from Scotland.


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