A Houseboat at Baramulla, Kashmir

A Houseboat at Baramulla, Kashmir

c. 1910

Houseboats were apparently popular among foreigners because the Maharajah usually did not allow foreigners to construct their own residences. The original owner of this postcard wrote on the back: "Apparently of early [18] 90's [vintage]. The same type of boat prevails in 1929. Besides it the cook boat for a crew of 6-8, their families and general services. A shikara propelled by lotus leaf heart-shaped paddles for short trips, accompanies a house-boat. It is flat-bottomed and recalls gondolas to some. Passengers sit in the middle under awnings & curtains, on cusions flat on the bottom. A house-boat has drawing room dining room, & 2 or 3 sleeping rooms each with 'bath'. This one probably accommodates the 3 on roof. Some are very large and palatial."