The Bazaar, Delhi
A hand-coloured postcard of Delhi by one of the earliest London-based publishers of Indian postcards.
A hand-coloured postcard of Delhi by one of the earliest London-based publishers of Indian postcards.
[Original caption] Tomb of Etamad-ud-Dowla, Agra. The whole of the exterior and much of the interior is of white marble with beautiful inlay work. The mausoleum stands in a beautiful garden.
[Original caption] Group of Lamas. The Lamas are priests of the Buddhist religion.
[Original caption] Sacrificing a Goat for a Religious Festival.
[Original caption] Madras, Holy Tank at Tirukalikunoram. Here in a great square court surrounded by people, palms, and neem-trees, we have one of the great Holy Tanks of Indian pilgrimage.
[Original caption] Diwan-i-Khas, "The Hall of Audience," a pavilion of white marble shining in the sun; walls and ceilings, pillars and arches, all inlaid with rich yet delicate color.
[Original caption] The Pagoda, Eden Gardens. The Eden Gardens are beautifully laid-out grounds and were for many years the gathering place in the evening of the fashionable society of Calcutta.
Famous British Battles, Plassey June 25, 1737
[Original caption] Plassey.
[Original caption] The Royal Bombay Yacht Club. One of the most exclusive clubs in the East, patronized only by the most prominent citizens. [end]
Founded in 1864, this still extremely exclusive club survives in a building next to this one,
[Original caption] Hindu Temple (Monkey Temple). Kalbadevi Road, Bombay. The famous temple showing very fine architecture. [end]