Cocoa Palmleaf Plaiters, Malabar
Early postcards from the Malabar coast seem to be relatively rare. In the message below, "Dusk" seems to be a dog.
[Verso] "6-5-20. Aren't they smartly pretty? I expect Dusk would like to bite this calf don't you?
Early postcards from the Malabar coast seem to be relatively rare. In the message below, "Dusk" seems to be a dog.
[Verso] "6-5-20. Aren't they smartly pretty? I expect Dusk would like to bite this calf don't you?
A variety of Adivasi people (as well as officials and a soldier in the center) as part of a rich forest surrounding. Hobson-Jobson (1906) gave this definition
"BHEEL, (p. 91) BHEEL, n.p. Skt. Bhilla; H. Bhīl. The name of a race inhabiting the hills