Gardens on the Dahl Lake, Kashmir
Fred Bremner was one of the first postcard publishers of Kashmir, offering numerous cards of the Princely State based on photographs he tool there around 1900.
Fred Bremner was one of the first postcard publishers of Kashmir, offering numerous cards of the Princely State based on photographs he tool there around 1900.
Postmarked Rawalpindi on November 27, 1907 and addressed to Mrs. A.A. Frears [sp?], WInthrop Arc., New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A.: "Rawalpindi, Nov. 26 A very Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to you all.– Lovingly, C.B. Porter."
This sacred stream lies
Postmarked Ferozpur, January 13, 1910 and addressed to Master Bottie Anderson, 92 Manor Park, London S.E. England.
"Lots of Love and Kisses from Daddy & Mother Ferozpur Jan 13 1910."
Among the earliest postcards of British Baluchistan, whose capital Quetta was leased from the Khan of Kalat in the 19th century. Bremner was one of the earliest photographers in the cantonment, having come out in the 1890s from Scotland.
One example of this card, addressed to Miss Lorie Masters, 74 Fruitvale Gardens, Shepherd's Bush, London and sent from Allahabad on Sept. 9, 1903 had this message: "Here are two curious bridges.
Addressed to Miss E. Young, West Worthing, Sussex, England and postmarked Dalhouse, May 23, 1905: "Along the top of the houses on the right runs the road.
Bridge 541 on the Simla-Kalka Railway was finished in 1898 and remains one of the great engineering feats of this nearly 1,000 bridge, 100 kilometer narrow-gauge Indian railway lines.
A postcard evocative of the hard toil required to plow fields given the upturned rocky soil. Note the large dog crouching on the right behind the farmer.
A nicely-composed Bremner photograph at a sacred site in Kashmir, with the priest holding a rosary and reading on a diagonal closed at the bottom left of the vignette.
[Verso] Postmarked Mount Road, Madras, 17 Sep. 1903 at 11:30 a.m. and addressed to Miss Olive McMillan, St. Augustine's, Cliftonville, Margate, England.
[Recto] "16/9/03 With Many Salaams from Mother."