The Durbar Hall. Mysore State Palace.
[Original caption] The Durbar Hall. Mysore State palace. The palace is built in Hindu style, the front supported by four fantastically carved wooden pillars.
[Original caption] The Durbar Hall. Mysore State palace. The palace is built in Hindu style, the front supported by four fantastically carved wooden pillars.
An early Tuck's painted postcard made to celebrate the 1903 Delhi Darbar. Viceroy Lord Curzon and his wife Mary are atop the elephant, their arrival opened the Darbar.
[Original caption] General View of Ghats, Benares. The landing places leading to the many temples which look down upon the River Ganges, whose waters are held so holy that they can wash away all sin. [end]
[Original caption] The Taj from across the river. One must cross the river to see the beautiful view of the Imperial Mausoleum balanced by the Mosque and Hall of red sandstone which set it off.
[Original caption] Apollo Bunder. Here are to be found very large and fine buildings, including the Government Docks and the Custom House and many other important Docks, etc. [end]
[Original caption] Baland Khels. This tribe inhabits the North-West frontier of India, close to the native state of Afghanistan, the boundary between their provinces and the Indian states being the River Kurram.
[Original caption] Chief Court, Lahore. This fine building is in the late Pathan style of the 14th century.
[Original caption] Taj Mahal Hotel, Bombay. Bombay, one of the most important cities in India, has an area of not less than 22 square miles.
[Original caption] Udaipur City. View of the Palace. Udaipur is the marvelous picturesque capital of the state of Mewar founded in the 16th century. The city is surrounded by a bastioned wall, protected on the W. by a beautiful lake. N. and E.
Dancing girl of India on a popular Tuck's painted postcard, probably signed by G.E. McCulloch. Nautch or nach, a word used in several languages of North India, is an Indian term for "dance", and indicates several forms of popular dancing styles.