The Statue, Memorial Well, Cawnpore
[Original caption] The Statue, Memorial well.
[Original caption] The Statue, Memorial well.
Possibly the earliest postcard of a named Indian ruler, the Nizam of Hyderabad, Mahbood Ali Khan, Asif Jah VI, one of the world's richest men and ruler of Hyderabad state from 1869 until 1911.
Postmarked Deccan, unclear date, and Dautzer [Germany?],
Probably an advertising card on postcard stock, or a trade card that came with some consumer goods, with this caption on the back
[Original caption, trans.
[Original caption] Chief Court, Lahore. This fine building is in the late Pathan style of the 14th century. Between the Court and the Cathedral is a statue of Lord Lawrence who was Chief Commissioner and Lieut. Governor of the Punjab 1853-1859. [end]
The 6.0 km long stretch is the second largest urban beach in the world (after Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh), shown here with part of the Senate House, the administrative heart of the University of Madras, built in the late 1870s.
A most unusual postcard when one realizes that the sign is for the publisher, Harnam Dass and it is likely that part of the firm and its owner (in the all green kurta just right-of-center?) are among the people proudly posing in the bazaar.
Behind an arsenal of jewelry in a photographer's studio sits a young girl.
"India, with no less alacrity, has claimed her share in the common task. Every class and creed, British and Native, Princes and People, Hindoos and Mahomedans, vie with one another in a noble and emulous rivalry.
An early multi-coloured view of Varanasi.
The "Generous Scotsman" is saying: “You are not hot, my brave Indian . . . what do you want I am not offering you my pants!”
Note that the word "Hindou" on French postcards from World War I was used to refer to Indians in general; this was intended